Saturday, September 7, 2024

Another Busy Week!

It's been a really busy week! But so much fun. After a great weekend up at the lake, this weekend was Brooks Hype Fest in downtown Chicago! They packed a lot in for a weekend and we are all happy and exhausted. As it should be. I'm so grateful for these opportunities! 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Summer's End

Disclaimer: As a member of the Brooks Running Collective, I receive complimentary gear and shoes in exchange for social media sharing.

I was out of town last weekend and didn't post a recap, so this week, you get 2 recaps in one post. I apologize for the length. I really tried to limit myself. There is just so much to share! With summer coming to an end, I tried to pack as much in as I could. 

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Mini Book Reviews: August 2024

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. I received Burn and The Instrumentalist from NetGalley and the publishers in exchange for my review.

It's a good month when every book I read was a winner! People always ask me how I read so many books, but when they are as good as the ones I read this month, it's hard to put them down. I may have completely neglected everything. My house needs attention. So does my husband!  A few trips out of town helped as well--I read while traveling to my destinations. 

I can enthusiastically recommend every book here. Enjoy!

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Morning Motivation

It's been another challenging week. This is the crazy season at work, as parents are scrambling at the last minute to get appointments for their annual school physicals. Add to that the current baby boom we are experiencing--I saw 5 newborns last week-- and we are running, literally and figuratively. The hubs' health issues are in a holding pattern as he works to schedule tests and go to his physical therapy appointments. It's been overwhelming. Like I always do during times of stress, I've been leaning into running and fitness. It's no surprise that I've been having some RA symptoms, but so far, not an official flare. Fingers crossed.

Thank goodness for running and fitness!

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Digging in and Getting it Done

Our week started out hot and ended up cool. But no matter what the weather, I was getting it done, really leaning into my runs and workouts for stress relief. In addition to the hubs' health issues that I shared last week, it was a really challenging week at work. Or maybe it just felt that way because I was pretty worn down from life. I'm really grateful that I have my fitness to lean into--nothing feels better than a good sweat!

Speaking of the hubs, he saw the spine specialist and will be having more testing done. It feels good to cross those appointments off the list. He's also going to physical therapy, which also seems to be helping. He hasn't fallen this week, which is good news. Hopefully, we're moving in the right direction.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Still Sweating!

The theme for this week was the heat and the humidity. With highs in the 90s and humidity in the 90s, it felt pretty miserable outside. I got up and out the door early for my runs, which helped a lot. As much as I look forward to summer, I don't love summer running.

Let's just agree that we all earned our showers this week!

Monday, July 29, 2024

Mini Book Reviews: July 2024

Disclaimer: I received ARCs of Lenny Marks Gets Away With Murder, The Summer Pact, Long Island Compromise, The Heart in Winter, Guilty Creatures, Catalina, and They Dream in Gold from NetGalley and the publishers in exchange for my reviews. This post contains affiliate links.

For the month of July I had 7 pre-releases on my NetGalley dashboard that were set for publication. I made up my mind to get them read by the end of the month. Fortunately, all of the books were worth reading! My favorite? I loved Lenny Marks Gets Away With Murder. I also loved The Heart in Winter. There is definitely something for everyone on this list!